Friday, September 29, 2017

Lawrence Upton and John Levack Drever : from Breaking News

John Levack Drever

sound artist and composer. He and Lawrence Upton have been collaborating on live and recorded text-sound compositions since 2003.

Lawrence Upton

Poet; graphic artist; sound artist: curator.  Memory Fictions (2012) --  Argotist Ebooks;  Unframed Pictures (2011) -- Writers Forum; a song and a film (2009) -- Veer Publications; Wire Sculptures, (2003) – Reality Street Editions; Commentaries on Bob Cobbing (2013) Argotist Ebooks.

Co-edited Word Score Utterance Choreography with Bob Cobbing (1998) – Writers Forum. 

Curated Some variations on a theme of Bob (Space Studios,) and Bob Cobbing and the book (UWE Fine Print) both 2011. Singing Marram (for solo viola, violist Benedict Taylor); CD, 2013 Subverten.; Dark Voices CD, Cram 2013 + Possibles (forthcoming CD), both with Taylor).

Solo exhibitions  2012 “from recent projects” (St James Hatcham)  & 1981 “Deteriorating texts” (LYC) . Many exhibitions of artists books with Guy Begbie.

Directs Writers Forum.

2008-2011 AHRC Creative Research Fellow, Dept of Music, Goldsmiths, University of London

2011-2015 Visiting Research Fellow in Music, Goldsmiths, University of London.

2015 + Academic Member, Athens Institute for Education and Research.

(4 channel); 17.5 minutes approx; live and prerecorded voice + graphic score and projection Lawrence Upton; studio recording,prerecorded sound treatment and composition John Drever; live spatialisation John Drever; presented in full for the first time as the opening item of the Cram / SPR concert Dark Voices at St James Hatcham, New Cross, London on Monday 21 October 2013

Friday, September 15, 2017

Jeff Bagato : from "Succubus Highway"

A multi-media artist living near Washington, DC, Jeff Bagato produces poetry and prose as well as electronic music, glitch video, sticker art, and pop surrealism paintings. Some of his poetry has appeared in Empty Mirror, Futures Trading, In Between Hangovers, Otoliths, Your One Phone Call, and Zoomoozophone Review. His published books include Savage Magic (poetry), Cthulhu Limericks (poetry), The Toothpick Fairy (fiction), and Dishwasher on Mars (fiction). A blog about his writing and publishing efforts can be found at

This is still from Bagato's video "Succubus Highway," originally published on his YouTube channel at

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Sacha Archer : Assemblages to be held for the production of sound poetry

Sacha Archer is an ESL instructor, childcare provider, father, writer, and visual artist. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in journals such as filling Station, ACTA Victoriana, h&, illiterature, NōD, Experiment-O, UTSANGA, and Matrix. Archer’s first full-length collection of poetry, Detour, a conceptual work with the Dao De Jing as the source text, was recently published by gradient books (2017). His most recent chapbooks are, The Insistence of Momentum (The Blasted Tree, 2017), and Acceleration of the Arbitrary (Grey Borders, 2017), with two chapbooks forthcoming, TSK oomph (Inspiritus Press) and upROUTE (above/ground press). A collection of broadsides from his work Ghost Writing is his latest publication from The Blasted Tree. One of his online manifestations is his blog at Archer lives in Burlington, Ontario.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Nico Vassilakis : an asemic unravel

Nico Vassilakis is a text and visual poet. He manipulates letters to free them of their word scrum. Many of his results can be found online and on his website, Staring Poetics. Nico’s work has been exhibited in visual poetry exhibits around the world. Alphabet Noir, a book of poems/texts about visual poetry, is out from c_L Books. Another book forthcoming is Voir Dire by Dusie Press. Nico was vispo editor for Coldfront Magazine. He has curated online mini-vispo anthologies of Finnish, Turkish, and Chilean vispoets. He co-edited The Last Vispo Anthology (Fantagraphics Books 2012). He lives in New York City with his wife and children.