Monday, August 29, 2016

Doug Dumais : Predestination Kills Fun Week? – 2015

Doug Dumais is a poet, photographer, researcher, and educator based in Ottawa, Ontario. His art practice focuses on memory and the interplay between image and the written word. He is an editor of InWords Magazine and Press.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Amanda Earl : firstwalks of the year - five

Amanda Earl's visual poetry has been exhibited in Russia and Canada, has been published in Fantagraphics' The Last Vispo Anthology. Her visual poetry chapbook Of the Body was published by Kingston's Puddle of Sky Press. A Fieldguide for Fanciful Bugs was published on line by avantacular press. Snippets & excerpts of her visual poetry have appeared on line at, The Volta, Tip of the Knife & UnlikelyStories.Org and in print in Dreamland IX (Prince George, BC, 2016). Gary Barwin gave a lovely write up of Earl's visual poetry over on Jacket2.  For more vispo, please visit

Note: collages made in conjunction with chapbook firstwalks of the year (In/Words Press, Ottawa, 2016).

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Robert Swereda : from ransomumble

Robert Swereda is the author of How to design a hail storm (Another new calligraphy), Signature Move (Knives Forks and Spoons) and re: verbs (Bareback editions), as well as four chapbooks: bloom circuits, Capture, chicken scratch and ionlylikeitwhenitrhymes. His writing appears in Canadian and international literary journals.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

derek beaulieu : from ascender / descender

Dr. Derek Beaulieu is the author of the collections of poetry with wax, fractal economies, chains, silence, kern, frogments from the frag pool (co-written with Gary Barwin) and Please no more poetry: the poetry of derek beaulieu (Ed. Kit Dobson). He has also written 3 collections of conceptual fiction: flatland, Local Colour and How To Write (Nominated for the W.O. Mitchell Award). He is the author of two collections of essays: Seen of the Crime and The Unbearable Contact with Poets. Beaulieu co-edited bill bissett’s RUSH: what fuckan theory (with Gregory Betts), Writing Surfaces: fiction of John Riddell (with Lori Emerson) and Shift & Switch (with angela rawlings and Jason Christie). He is the publisher of the acclaimed no press and is the visual poetry editor at UBUWeb. Beaulieu has exhibited his work across Canada, the United States and Europe and is an award-winning instructor at the Alberta College of Art + Design. Derek Beaulieu was the 2014–2016 Poet Laureate of Calgary, Canada.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Texas Fontanella and Mark Young : After Magritte

Texas Fontanella is a student at USYD. You can find his work @ Otoliths, Uut Poetry, experiential experimental literature, Poetry WTF?!, the new post-literate, Futures Trading, Beakful, M58, Rasavada, Moss Trill, h&, and Truck. Also now @:

Mark Young's most recent books are Bandicoot habitat & lithic typology, both from gradient books of Finland.  An e-book, For the Witches of Romania, is due out from Beard of Bees. Recent visual work has appeared / is to appear in BlazeVOX, Word for / Word, Shuf Poetry, Of/With, & Tip of the Knife.